


It's been a hot minute since I've ventured this way!

Sold another piece of artwork! Thank you very much to the lady in Canada, I hope you enjoy it. I was a little hesitant of putting that particular piece up - I really liked it, but it will make someone else happy as well. Plus, I can always make another - might not be it's equal but, that's okay - maybe it'll be better!

My three day weekend over labor was fantastic! I fixed up some projects I've been wanting to do.
Fixed up the bar! I love it.

To fixing up the wall planter! I'm pretty proud of myself.

I'm mostly proud of persistence! I didn't have any real tools to make any of this and just found what I had and boom - made things. I like it.

Omg, it's going to just fantastic beyond that. I'm flying up to DC to head down there Saturday morning. I believe that I have everything packed and it will be good. I've actually packed less than what I would normally to just a weekend getaway which, is GOOD! but amazing, haha.



Etsy Listings!

To anyone that's actually reading, I finally got some need artwork in.

I have them set up at my Etsy Shop and they're just some small prints and a few bigger ones.

Hope it's been a good weekend! Sunday's are always bittersweet; absolutely nothing to do all day and I love it however, work tomorrow.

Oooh wonderful work.


Oh, This is the Start of Something Good

Following through. One of my biggest pet peeves when not carried out and it can definitely hold an impression of someone when it's something big.

In all fairness, I have been known to not follow through on certain things. For example, I told myself that I was going to bring cookies that NEED to get out of my house to the luncheon at work yesterday and instead left the house without them and hated myself because I ate them all at home later...

That was probably a poor example, but I'm pretty true to my loyalty when I say I'm out to do something. These things I don't manage to do are mostly to myself. I tell myself DONT FORGET and I do anyways. The standard I hold to my friends are greater than the ones I hold for myself and therefore I seem to let those little things like not listening to myself slip under my radar as major issues.

Not following through on bigger levels can be not only a hassle but, can show your insincerity for other people. When you say you're going to do something - do not leave me hanging. Especially if it means I have to either wait for you or have changed my schedule to fit this one.

I've slowly realized who I can and can't trust when it comes to understanding plans. Boys is suspect number 1, but there are some girlfriends I invited to show up an hour or so before the party because I'll know they'll be late and therefore on time... because they were late... to the early invite. HA! Gotcha! We do this same trick with my grandfather. His excuse is a little more warranted since he's almost 80.

I love my friends. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have any. Probably die. Or have 15 cats to replace my people friends. There was this little girl that came into my coffee shop every weekend and she had 13 dolls all named Sarah. I also wondered that if I ever got to the point where I have 15 cats... They would all be named Waldo.

Here are some things I learned about following through and what it means.

1. As an adult (a responsible one) following through is something that you just have to do. Whether it's work related or dealing with medical insurance or even if you just want to plan a trip somewhere, you have to do it yourself.

2. Making plans with someone can be great! You're hanging out with your friend soon! Awesome! Then they're like - I'm not going to call or text to let them know I'm not coming and you're left alone at a cafe eating brownies by yourself because no one loves you. Get new friends.

3. Don't get new friends... that last bit was harsh. I love my friends as I said and despite their imperfections, I still love them. However, there are some tricks you can use. Guilt's my favorite. "But this is the last chance I have before I move away." Or "But, I haven't seen you in forever and you owe me from the last (nthteen times) you've skipped out!' Whining helps too.

4. When given the opportunity to follow through on something that will benefit you in the long run, (ie. reimbursements, free meals, days off) do NOT skimp out on following through. My latest thing I've noticed is that I've actually had a lot of things I've needed to follow through on or else I'm out a lot of money.

5. Doing it just makes you feel more awesome! I mean, look. You take the extra 5 minutes, 30 minutes - whatever, and get it done. It's done. Over. And you might get something out of it! A raise, more money... you never know. Be responsible. Do it. Don't leave a girl hanging out to dry.


I wish you a tolerable Thursday. That's all any of us can hope for.

Today is Thursday:

This is how I feel. I suppose I can mix it up a little bit, there are only so many rules I can just make up as I go...

Having people come visit from out of town makes me realize more and more that having a job really makes wanting to go out and have fun really difficult. I have to be responsible, on time, bring a lunch, sit here until those little numbers change from 59 to double 0's... all that add up to a few dollars a day that will pay for my shenanigans in the long run. Or bills. I have to pay bills...

Oh Thursdays. You're so close to Friday that no one truly appreciates you. You're like the ugly friend. You make Fridays look way better.


Note To Self: "Don't worry, if it's suppose to happen, it will."

I keep writing about "Patience" and then I seem to get impatient with my words and this becomes a draft... But, no more! I shall write about it and give you some tips on how to not kill people and go to jail... Because no body wants that and I really don't like the outfits.

My story begins pretty simply. I never saw myself as an impatient person until I was in college. The stress of studying and balancing a well rounded social life was something that I had to get use to and rely on pretty quickly or I would see myself kicked out of a pretty awesome college. The stress made me impatient and irritable and I would probably say that's where my personality really shaped itself into what it is today. Granted, I've taken strides to improve myself and calm down my urges to scream at everyone, but impatience is still ingrained into the deepest threads of my personality.

So what I've learned to do (sometimes it doesn't work and you really just need to let someone have it) is these few things:

1. Deep breaths. I know for a fact that I've turned blue from anger and frustration all because the circulation in my body has stopped and my brain is just seeing red. Breath. Or count to ten. Whatever it is, you need to calm yourself down. I've had visions of breaking glass and throwing it at people many times as a bartender and I know these hopes and dreams can't come true, I just breath through my nose and put the biggest fake smile on. It's hard, but people are fragile and you can't slice through their conceptions of how to treat other people. They wont believe you or they'll get angry. And both parties angry just isn't a good combination. Breath. Iiiinhale... eeeexhale...

2. Do not follow through with your visions. Again, I have a pretty vivid imagination and can see myself doing a lot of things. Some I would need a pretty good lawyer. I just don't act on them and throw my tantrums in the back where no one can see me.

3. Find something that will calm you down. For me, it's solitaire games or puzzles on the internet. If I can trick my brain into thinking nothing is going on, my body cools down and the homicidal rage ebbs away. Maybe for you, it's doing yoga or going for a run. Whatever it is, you need to find some peace.

4. Realize that in a few days, weeks, months, years... this will all look pretty funny down the line. It might be overwhelming now but, in the future this is just a small bump in the many bumps to come in your life. Each one needs some patience and a reality check and you'll get through it.

It sucks always wanting things to happen RIGHT NOW. I want more money, RIGHT NOW. I want to go to Peru RIGHT NOW. I want to go home from work RIGHT NOW... but, if you don't stop to enjoy the trip TO the destination, sometimes the destination doesn't seem worth it. You've got to breathe, take a step back, adjust the way you're looking at the situation, and move on.


How People Treat You is their Karma; How You React is Yours

Friendship. Love it, live it, have it.

I don't know where I would be if I didn't have any friends. I suggest the practice to anyone and no matter how unbearable or cynical you are, you need a friend. My friends have been amazing over the years and I feel that I've become one of the extremely lucky people to have some that want to still hang out with me after seeing me through my worst.

And I've had some trying times.

Here are some rules of the ways of friendship, whether making sure you don't scare off people and if you do, rules to dealing with the fact that they aren't good enough to be your friends if they aren't scared even just a little.

1. Friends are meant to be there to talk about poop with. Yes, I started off with this one. No, I didn't want to slip it in later down the line. This is a serious topic. Everyone does it, and if you and your friend are close enough to mention it in daily conversations, they're a keeper. I have no shame when it comes to either letting someone know or making sure someone doesn't go in there after. Friends also don't let other friends suffer the after stench.

2. You want a loyal friend. This could mean many different things - loyal in a sense they're keeping your secret that you poop. Or loyal in a sense that they will drive you everywhere in DC looking for a bathroom to poop in. I knew I found my best friend when that happened to me and she did not judge me one bit. We were on a new adventure. A quest for relief.

3. I've never had the opportunity to date a friend's ex, but I think it goes unsaid... leave their dirty laundry where they left it. I personally don't enjoy someone else's chewed up meal, why would I ask to eat it after they were done? Now, I've had friend's exes ask me out and I find that I really am too nice. I hate letting people down - it's a quality that can be endearing and extremely frustrating, but I wasn't going to just tell this person that I had also become friends with - Um, sorry I don't want what she had. I've let them down easy, but in the long run, we just stopped talking. I think he got the hint. Needless to say... I didn't tell my friend we had talked. Which brings me to subcategory 3a. If you do happen to date a friend's ex... Be really good at hiding it. Really good. Some girls are crazy. Hair pulling does hurt, I don't care who you are.

4. Support! That's a big one. When a guy is a large bag full of genital items, I want my friends to drink heavily with me and spend a good long hour talking about how small those items probably are and how I hope said "man" has self conscious issues because that's what they've done to me for the time being. And then we'll eat ice cream and talk about how much TrueBlood is getting really outrageous but only watch it because Eric is hot and wanna see how crazy Bill takes it. All in all, a friend is there to support you; through bad haircuts, crazy TV shows (Doctor Who IS awesome, you are welcome), and bad boyfriends, you need someone who will tell you like it is and then pat you on the back comfortingly and say "let's go look at cat pictures and eat til we're fat." Thank you. That is what I want to do.

Over the years I've had some crappy friends. We don't talk anymore. But, I like to think that I'm extremely giving when it comes to those I find to be friendship worthy. I'll do just about anything for my friends - some include almost getting into fights for them to helping them out with basic needs. Of course, I have had some people to screw me over. I'm not a truly vindictive person... But watch out. In conclusion, friends are the best things in the world. They're sometimes (almost always) better than significant others/spouses and they will always be okay with your level of crazy (for me, it's pretty high up there).

So, thank you my friends for putting up with my crap. I would be no where without you.


Do Small Things With Great Love

I believe that each day brings a new lesson to the table whether it be a hard lesson or an entertaining one, each new sunrise is an opportunity to look at your life differently and enrich the mind...

Whatever... Eat more doughnuts.

The lesson today was doughnuts make me happy. Jelly filled sugar bombs that are deep fried to perfection make me unbelievably and deliciously happy. This lesson has been long time coming because I've always known that doughnuts make me happy and I'm happy when I'm happy and they make me happy so that I'm happier when I'm happy. However, today I think I truly grasped the idea that when you need something to just make your day a little less crappy - go get a doughnut. 

I'm not saying that you should eat a whole half dozen and then blame me for your weight gain. I'm saying that when you are looking at your day (a Monday, I might add) and seeing the undeniable truth that Monday's suck in every shape or form, you might need a pick me up. My pick me up's are doughnuts. Jelly-filled, deep fried perfections. 

And once you've discovered your happiness, here are the rules to capturing it so your possible weight gain hasn't been all for nothing:

1. Walk to get it. The 30 calories it'll take to get to the grocery store or the bakery will shave off the 3000 by a minor few and you wont feel so bad... (at least that's that I tell myself).

2. Eat it immediately - I bought that doughnut at the grocery store and three feet out the door it had already covered my hand in glaze and a bite taken out of it with jelly oozing out.

3. Cherish the moment. Who cares who's watching you eat a very messy doughnut out of a bakery bag while walking down the street back to work. That thing is delicious and I will eat it on a boat, I will even eat it on a goat and other obscure Dr. Seuss places.

4. Do NOT feel guilty about the doughnut. If you are like me, this thing is a once and a while kind of occasion. A Manic Monday remedy if you will, and I refuse to feel guilty about the sugar bomb and I will not work out an extra 30 minutes later (if I even decide to work out at all) to get off the calories. That thing makes me happy and as far as I'm concerned it worked and I don't want to yell at customers when I get back to work.

The point of all this is: Do small things with great love.

No one was ever UNHAPPY after eating a doughnut. Unless it was a bad doughnut. And that's blasphemy.